St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral


Services are streaming live.
See the week's schedule below for links

Sunday, February 2: The Meeting of the Lord

There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. (Luke 2:36-38)

Everyone eventually comes to a place of pain, a pit that seems to have no bottom, a well so deep we can scarcely see the sky when we look up. We feel irreparably damaged by life, hopeless, far from any possibility of future joy or healing. The path counselled by Job’s wife beckons; we want to lash out, to strike back, to curse God and die. Saint Anna shows us another way: bring your pain to the Temple and seek God there. Pour out all your anguish and confusion on the altar, worshipping God in the dark and trusting that the impossible dawn will one day arise. That is the time to retreat into one’s prayer corner and close the door, to light the candle before the icons and cling to God. When we do so, after much time, we will discover what Saint Anna discovered: “the secret (or friendship) of the Lord is for those who fear Him and He makes known to them His covenant” (Psalm 25:14). This is the experience of the prophets, who clung to God so that He told them His secrets, and shared His hidden counsel with them as a man speaks to his friend. This state is called “spiritual maturity,” and there is no short-cut to it. But if we reach this maturity, then we will have something to share with those around us, even as Saint Anna shared the Word of the Lord with all those around her who came to the Temple looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.

Saint Anna has an important message for us, whatever our lot in life. God is willing to share His friendship with us as He shared it with the prophets. All we need to do is what Saint Anna did—worship the Lord with fasting and prayer, and seek His Presence all the days of our life.

~ Fr. Lawrence Farley

Service Cancellation Policy
  • No one should travel to church for services if the road conditions are dangerous.
  • No services will be cancelled. Most services will be live streamed (links available here on the website).
  • Those who cannot get to services should instead stay home, watch the live stream of the service if possible, and be happy in the knowledge that a priest and a chanter are singing the services and praying for them.
  • Cancellation of services and activities will be posted here on our website:

    Bear one another's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  (Galatians 6:2)

Schedule of ServicesServices listed below will be live streamed at

Monday, February 3
5:00-8:00 PM Schwebach Visitation @ Kozlak-Radulovich Funeral Chapel NE, 1918 University Ave NE
7:00 PM Schwebach Parastas (Vigil Prayers)

Tuesday, February 4
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
10:00 AM Schwebach Visitation @ St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral
11:00 AM Schwebach Funeral @ Cathedral

Wednesday,February 5
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
6:15 PM Vespers @ Cathedral

February 6
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Friday,February 7

Saturday, February 8
7:00 AM Divine Liturgy
3:00 PM Combs Baptism
5:00 PM Great Vespers

Sunday, February 9  33rd Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday of the Publican & Pharisee
7:45 AM Matins @ Cathedral
9:00 AM Divine Liturgy @ Cathedral

If you missed any of the live streaming services you can go to the playlist to replay them by clicking here


NOTE: Elevators available at both the Cathedral and the Parish Center.

This Week's Events
Monday, February 3
Church Office Closed

, February 4
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

Wednesday, February 5
Church Office Open
7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal 

Thursday, February 6
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

, February 7
Church Office Open
(9 am-4:30 pm)

Saturday, February 8
Church Office Closed
8:00 AM Parish Center Reserved

Sunday, February 9
10:30 AM Saints Meeting @ Gym Stage
10:30 AM Church School @ Parish Center
10:30 AM Coffee Hour @ Parish Center


©2006-2025 St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral